Review/Approve Draft Amendments to the Fiscal Years 2024/25 - 2025/26 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
TPO staff is proposing amendments to the TPO’s FY 2024/25 - 2025/26 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
Additional Funding - The TPO is requesting an amendment to the UPWP to add $20,809 of additional PL allocation to Task 3.1in FY 2024/25. These funds are being allocated to the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan Update.
SunRail Extension (Transit Supportive Planning) - The TPO is requesting an amendment to the UPWP to decrease FY 2025/26 SU funds in the amount of $200,000 from Task 3.1 as these funds have already been allocated to FPID # 453731-1. The project isn’t being deleted, simply FDOT is leading the project instead of the TPO.
Staff is seeking a recommendation from the TAC for the Board to approve the Draft Amendments as presented.
Ryan Kordek, Polk TPO