Approve Right-of-Way Agreement between LWG Florida Properties, LLC Polk County in conjunction with the Thompson Nursery Road Phase 1 (Segment 4) Improvement project. ($181,117 one-time expense)
The County has a project to improve and realign Thompson Nursery Road from West Lake Ruby to U.S. Highway 17 consisting of primarily a new alignment for a four-lane corridor. The project was split into four separate projects representing certain segments of the corridor due to the nature and associated challenges, of certain portions of the alignment. The segment known as Segment 4, consists of primarily widening, from two-lanes to four-lanes, the existing Eloise Loop Road from its intersection with West Lake Ruby Road to a point approximately 1-mile to the west of said intersection and includes some realignment near the western end. Engineering design associated with Segment 4 is underway and nearing completion but is sufficient to allow for acquisition of select right-of-way parcels when opportunities arise.
The owner of properties located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Eloise Loop Road and W. Lake Ruby contacted the County to coordinate its development plans in conjunction with the road project. The right-of-way for Eloise Loop Road adjacent to the proposed development currently meets County standards; however, two fee parcels, identified as Parcels 191 and 193 are needed for mainline right-of-way for the Segment 4 project. Through further discussions with the owner it has agreed to sell the county a strip of right-of-way along the north boundary of the site which will accommodate road project as well as its development plans. A legal description was prepared for a right-of-way parcel containing approximately 20,820 square feet which will accommodate, and is slightly larger than, the right-of-way parcels needed for the property from this site. Negotiations with the owner have resulted is a proposed purchase pri...
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