Approve Release of Claims for Consultant Services Authorization (CSA) 18-060-03 with Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc. for the Crooked Lake Park Receivership - Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Abandonment and Lift Station Replacements project. (Release of Claims (Payment to County) totaling $144,221.06).
On September 4, 2020, the County was provided notice that Crooked Lake Park Sewerage Company intended to abandon the existing wastewater collection and treatment system serving utility customers in the Crooked Lake and College Park developments located south of Lake Wales. On March 25, 2021, the Circuit Court granted Polk County's petition and appointed the County as the receiver of the wastewater system.
On February 1, 2022, CSA 18-060-03 was approved for Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. to provide final design, permitting, bid phase and construction phase services in support of the replacement of the existing wastewater lift stations and the construction of a force main to connect the wastewater system to the City of Lake Wales existing wastewater collection system. These improvements are expected to be completed by May 19, 2025. During construction, actual field conditions of the existing infrastructure necessitated reconstruction of a portion of already newly constructed 8" gravity sewer for the new Lift Station 375 to ensure satisfactory operations. Allowance Authorization Release No. 1 to Contract 2023-050 with Killebrew, Inc. in the amount of $144,221.06 was approved by the Board June 4, 2024 for this work. The reconstruction was required due to unintentional but noted deficiencies by Jones Edmunds & Associates. As a result of coordinated work efforts and negotiations, the Release of Claim and subsequent payment by Jones Edmunds & Associates to the County will conclude this part of the matter.
Once the new system is fully operational, an abandonment plan must be developed and submitted to the Florida Department...
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