Approval of Amendment NO.1 to the Innovative Technology Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for project, Phosphorus Remediation in Lake Deeson and Bear Branch (Agreement #INV37). The amendment is necessary since the project was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances and extends the grant agreement expiration to 11/30/2026. (No fiscal impact)
Through Polk County's water quality sampling program, we have identified numerous areas in need of enhancement. In some cases, we have identified treatment projects to restore water quality. The phosphorus levels in Lake Deeson and Bear Branch are both above the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's water quality standards. The County has developed a water quality restoration plan for Lake Deeson with the priority project being sediment treatment. In many lakes in Polk County, legacy sediment is the main cause of poor lake water quality (i.e., sediment is constantly releasing phosphorus into the lake water). The Lake Deeson project will apply a phosphorus binding material to the lake thereby inactivating the phosphorus in the sediment and improving water quality. Additionally, Bear Branch has very high levels of phosphorus that then flows directly into the Peace River. The Bear Branch Pilot Project in partnership with the City of Bartow, will test an automated injection system that will apply a phosphorus binding agent, thereby reducing phosphorus levels and loading into the Peace River.
In response to these identified projects, Polk County submitted an application called "Phosphorus Remediation in Lake Deeson and Bear Branch" to the State's Innovative Technology Grants program in 2022. Polk County was awarded this competitive grant to implement these two projects and produce a report detailing the results of the study. Through this agreement, FDEP awarded Polk County with $870,000 towards testing these innovative technologies and producin...
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