Approve maintained right-of-way map for Davis Brothers Road, located in the Lake Wales area. (No fiscal impact)
Many of the roads in the State of Florida and within Polk County were constructed years ago with narrow or non-existent rights-of-way. To correct this situation, Florida Statutes allow the State, County, or Municipality to file a map as prima facie evidence of ownership of the road with the Clerk of Circuit Court in the County in which the road lies. The State, County, or Municipality is required to certify that it has maintained the road continuously for a minimum of seven years.
A maintained right-of-way map has been prepared for the following road lying within Polk County:
1. Davis Brothers Road from its intersection with Lake Reedy Boulevard South to a point approximately 2,600 feet to the west thereof. The right-of-way is located in Section 03, Township 32 South, Range 28 East.
The maintenance unit in which this roadway lies has maintained the roadway for more than seven years and will certify the map. Approving the recording of the maintained right-of-way map will fulfill the requirements of the Florida Statutes and give public notice of the County’s ownership of the right-of-way.
Request Board approve the aforementioned maintained right-of-way map.
No fiscal impact.
R. Wade Allen, Director
Real Estate Services