SET HEARING: (LDCT-2024-19 North Prong IND Text Amendment) to change Appendix E Section E105, Parcel Specific Comprehensive Plan Amendments with Conditions, to limit the intensity of the proposed Industrial (IND) activity on the site. This case is related to LDCPAL-2024-12. The suggested transmittal date is December 17, 2024, at 9:15 a.m. and the adoption hearing date is February 18, 2025, at 9:15 a.m.
This is an applicant-initiated request to change the text of the Land Development Code Appendix E, Section E105, to limit the intensity of the IND on certain areas of the property, subject to LDCPAL-2024-12. State law requires one Planning Commission hearing, which was on November 4, 2024, with a recommendation of approval by a 7:0 vote.
Section 163.3202, Florida Statutes (F.S.) requires the Board to adopt Land Development Code (LDC) regulations consistent with the implementation of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan. Amendments to the LDC require two public hearings before the Board to be adopted.
Request Board set the transmittal hearing date for December 17, 2024, at 9:15 a.m. and the adoption hearing date for February 18, 2025, at 9:15 a.m.
No Fiscal Impact
Mark J. Bennett, AICP, FRA-RA
Senior Planner
Land Development Division
863-534-6455 <>