Approve Amendment 3 to FDEP Standard Agreement LPA0212 for Heartland Headwaters Protection and Sustainability Act Grant Funding (Action)
The Heartland Headwaters Protection and Sustainability Act passed in 2017 recognizes Polk County's vital importance to the economic and ecological health of the surrounding regions. The act indicates that partnerships between regional water supply authorities and local governments is in the state interest, and that funding for projects that restore and protect the state's resources should be a priority.
To be considered for state funding, the PRWC and its members must submit an annual report summarizing the projects that are being implemented to achieve state resource protection goals. A total of $21,252,488 in grant funding has been awarded to the PRWC and its members for projects under this agreement. In Fiscal Year 2024-2025, the FDEP awarded the PRWC and its members an additional $2,614,387.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has provided to PRWC staff Amendment 3 to grant agreement LPA0212 for these additional funds. This agenda item:
* Adds $1,310,187 to the total. Of this, $1,235,187 will be allocated to the Southeast Wellfield project for land acquisition, and $75,000 will be allocated to the Conservation Implementation Program to fund 50% of the newly established Conservation budget.
* Extends the contract deadline to 12/31/2026.
* Re-distributes existing funds amongst tasks and revises the scope-of-Work to better reflect project expenses and progress to date.
Staff recommends that the board authorize the Executive Director to sign Amendment 3 to the FDEP Standard Grant Agreement LPA0212.
The execution of grant agreement LPA0212 will make available an additional $1,235,187 in state funding for Southeast Wellfield Project land acquisition and $75,000 for Conservation budget funding.
Eric DeHaven
Mary Th...
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