| 5. | TPO Agenda Item | Review/Approve Amendments to the TPO’s Bylaws | | |
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| 6. | TPO Agenda Item | Review/Approve Amendments to FY 2024/25 - 2028/29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) | | |
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Not available
| 7. | TPO Agenda Item | Review/Approve Draft Goal, Objectives, Performance Measures and Indicators for the Long-Range Transportation Plan Update - Envision 2050 | | |
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Not available
| 8. | TPO Agenda Item | Review/Approve the Use of TMA-SU Funds for State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loan Reimbursement for State Road 33 Widening (FPN: 430185-4) from Old Combee Road to Firstpark Boulevard | | |
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Not available
| 9. | TPO Agenda Item | Recognition of Mobility Week and Greenways and Trails Month | | |
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Not available
| 10. | TPO Agenda Item | Review/Approve Draft Amendments to the Fiscal Years 2024/25 - 2025/26 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) | | |
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Not available
| 13. | TPO Agenda Item | Preview of October 10, 2024 TPO Meeting | | |
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Not available