| D.1. | Consent Agenda | Approve Consent Agenda. | | |
Not available
| E.1. | County Comptroller | Disbursements. | | |
Not available
| E.2. | County Comptroller | Minutes of Regular Board meeting held on February 18, 2025. | | |
Not available
| H.4. | County Manager | Confirm the appointment of Shawn Smith to serve as Polk County Fire Rescue Services Director (Fire Rescue Chief). | | |
Not available
| H.1. | County Manager | Approve Amendment No.3 to Agreement 2022-077, with Wright-Pierce, Inc. to provide Part 4 construction administration services for the Northeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion from 6.0 MGD to 9.0 MGD. ($9,658,092.00 one-time expense) | | |
Not available
| H.2. | County Manager | Approve agreement with Black & Veatch Corporation to provide Part 1 engineering services for improvements to the southwest regional wastewater treatment facility. ($3,100,586.00 one-time expense) | | |
Not available
| H.3. | County Manager | Approve the Seventh Amendment to the Cypress Lake Alternative Water Supply Agreement with the Water Cooperative of Central Florida relating to the Cypress Lake Wellfield. ($1,840,000 not-to-exceed, one-time expense) | | |
Not available
| M.1. | Commissioner District 2 | Reappoint Daniel Haight, MD as a Member of the Citizens HealthCare Oversight Committee, representing Primary Care Physicians, for the four-year term, April 6, 2025 through April 5, 2029. | | |
Not available
| O.1. | Public Hearings - Expedited Hearing | Public Hearing (LDCT-2024-21 Accessory Structures LDC Text Amendment) (First Reading) to amend Chapter 2, Section 206.A, Accessory Dwelling Units; Section 208.F, Accessory Structure Setbacks; Section 209.D, Accessory Structure Location and Chapter 9, Section 930, to add Accessory Dwelling Units. (No Fiscal Impact). | | |
Not available
| O.2. | Public Hearings - Expedited Hearing | Public Hearing (LDCPAS-2024-28 Space Source Inc CPA) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of an applicant-initiated Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to change the Future Land Use (FLU) designation from Development of Regional Impact (DRI) to Neighborhood Activity Center (NACX) on 7.49 +/- acres in the Poinciana DRI. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
Not available
| O.3. | Public Hearings - Expedited Hearing | Public Hearing (LDCU-2024-38 South Fort Meade Mine DRI Extension) (Adoption Hearing) to consider a request to extend the current Development Order expiration date 20 years to continue processing mined material at the South Fort Meade mine on 17,508.5 +/- acres in a Rural Development Area (RDA) and Phosphate Mining (PM) Future Land Use designation. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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| O.4. | Public Hearings - Expedited Hearing | Public Hearing (LDDRI-2024-1 South Fort Meade Mine DRI Extension) (Adoption Hearing) to consider a request to extend the current Development Order expiration date 20 years to continue processing mined material at the South Fort Meade mine on 17,508.5 +/- acres in a Rural Development Area (RDA) and Phosphate Mining (PM) Future Land Use designation. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
Not available
| P.1. | Public Hearings | Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution Allowing for the Installation of Three Traffic Calming Devices (Speed Humps) on Shenandoah Street, Near Lakeland. (estimated $15,000.00 one-time expense) | | |
Not available
| P.2. | Public Hearings | Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate and close maintained right-of-way for Florence Avenue shown as Florence Drive on the Plat of J. A. Leslie Subdivision, Winter Haven, Florida. (No fiscal impact) | | |
Not available
| P.3. | Public Hearings | Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate portions of platted, and unmaintained rights-of-way as shown on the Revised Plat of Crooked Lake Subdivision, Lake Wales, Florida. (No fiscal impact) | | |
Not available
| R.1. | Consent Agenda | Removal of equipment from inventory as listed on Blanket Removal Form 2212. | | |
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Not available
| R.2. | Consent Agenda | Accept Alta Davenport potable water, wastewater and reclaim water utility system improvements for ownership, operation, and maintenance by Polk County Utilities. (No fiscal impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.3. | Consent Agenda | Accept a one-year warranty and surety in the amount of $33,612.28 in the form of Maintenance Bond No. 0859297 for Alta Davenport. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.4. | Consent Agenda | Approve the release of a surety in the amount of $1,495,929.87 in the form of Performance Bond No. 4469896 for Danbury Townhomes (aka Danbury @ Ridgewood Lakes). (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.5. | Consent Agenda | Accept Danbury Townhomes (aka Danbury @ Ridgewood Lakes) potable water, wastewater and reclaim water utility system improvements for ownership, operation, and maintenance by Polk County Utilities. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.6. | Consent Agenda | Accept a one-year warranty and surety in the amount of $411,629.39 in the form of Maintenance Bond No. 4476044 for Danbury Townhomes (aka Danbury @ Ridgewood Lakes). (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.7. | Consent Agenda | Approve the release of a surety in the amount of $10,419,846.92 in the form of Performance Bond No. FGAC-24195 for Garden Hills at Providence Phase 2. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.8. | Consent Agenda | Accept Garden Hills at Providence Phase 2 potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed utility system improvements for ownership, operation, and maintenance by Polk County Utilities. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.9. | Consent Agenda | Accept a one-year warranty and surety in the amount of $490,066.31 in the form of Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. FGAC-24873 for Garden Hills at Providence Phase 2. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.10. | Consent Agenda | Accept Minnesota Avenue Waterline potable water utility system improvements for ownership, operation, and maintenance by Polk County Utilities. (No fiscal impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.11. | Consent Agenda | Accept a one-year warranty and surety in the amount of $6,425.43 in the form of Maintenance Bond No. 41K237614 for Minnesota Avenue Waterline. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.12. | Consent Agenda | Accept a performance surety in the amount of $59,590.78 in the form of Performance Bond No. 0217727 for Auburndale FSER. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.13. | Consent Agenda | Accept a performance surety in the amount of $286,726.39 in the form of Performance Bond No. LICX1984358 for K-Ville Ph 2 & 3 ROW. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.14. | Consent Agenda | Accept a performance surety in the amount of $85,374.00 in the form of Performance Bond No. 108178423 for Rifle Range Road Substation. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.15. | Consent Agenda | Approve recommended changes to the functional classification of select Polk County roads: Avenue M NW, Catherine Drive, Friedlander Road, Windee Avenue, 2nd Street NW and 31st Street NW. (No fiscal impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.16. | Consent Agenda | Approve Polk HealthCare Plan Medical Services Agreement with Vein & Vascular Experts, PLLC for specialty care services. (Transfer of existing appropriations to medical provider). | | |
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Not available
| R.17. | Consent Agenda | Approve the third amendment to the contract with Tri-County Human Services, Inc. to provide behavioral health services to eligible low-income county residents. (No fiscal impact.) | | |
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Not available
| R.18. | Consent Agenda | Approve selection committee’s recommendation to authorize staff negotiations with The Lunz Group, LLC, design a new roadway maintenance facility. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.19. | Consent Agenda | Authorize the County Attorney’s Office or outside counsel to stipulate to a final judgment for Parcel 136 in the case of Polk County v. John Storc, Candy M. Guzman, et al, an eminent domain lawsuit filed to acquire needed rights-of-way for the County Road 557 Project. ($87,700 one-time expense) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.20. | Consent Agenda | Approve Land Purchase Agreement in conjunction with the purchase of a conservation preservation property located in the Lake Wales Ridge Ecosystem Project - Crooked Lake West Area, Camacho parcel. ($2,000 one-time expense) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.21. | Consent Agenda | Accept Quit Claim Deed for property being donated for conservation preservation, Boughton Estate parcel. (No fiscal impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.22. | Consent Agenda | Authorize the sale of County owned properties located at 12 Cedar Street and 16 Cedar Street in Haines City to income eligible buyers for the purpose of promoting affordable housing. (No fiscal impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.23. | Consent Agenda | Approve a Perpetual Easement and License Agreement between Polk County and Southwest Florida Water Management District in conjunction with two monitoring wells proposed by the District. (No fiscal impact) | | |
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Not available
| R.24. | Consent Agenda | Adopt a Resolution authorizing the temporary closure to public vehicular traffic access to a portion of a County-maintained roadway known as Holly Hill Fruit Road along with unmaintained platted right-of-way lying to the east thereof and unmaintained platted right-of-way lying between Holly Hill Road and Florida Development Road. (No Fiscal Impact) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.25. | Consent Agenda | Approve Consultant Services Authorization (CSA) No. 22-096-04 with WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (Consultant) to provide Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI) services for the US 27 @ Tierra Del Sol Boulevard/Central Grove Road Intersection Improvements Project. ($298,410.30 one-time expense) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.26. | Consent Agenda | Approve Consultant Services Authorization (CSA) No. 22-098-03 with WSP USA, Inc. (Consultant) to provide Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI) services for the Palmer Road Drainage Improvements Project. ($295,577.54 one-time expense - General Revenue Fiscal Recovery Funds) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.27. | Consent Agenda | Approve Joint Project Agreement (JPA) with the City of Lakeland for adjustment of wastewater infrastructure on the Fort Fraser Trail Extension Project. (no fiscal impact) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.28. | Consent Agenda | Approve Consultant Services Authorization 2024-007-02 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for the Southwest Regional Utility Service Area (SWRUSA) Master Plan Update Project ($314,995.29 not-to-exceed, one-time expense) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.29. | Consent Agenda | Approve Consultant Services Authorization 2024-007-01 with Carollo Engineers, Inc., to provide professional services for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Support - Northeast Regional Utility Service Area Design Services project. ($125,658.88 not-to-exceed, one-time expense) | | |
Not available
Not available
| R.30. | Consent Agenda | SET PUBLIC HEARING to consider the adoption of an ordinance providing procedure requirements to close Polk County-owned roads. Suggested Hearing Date: April 1, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter. | | |
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Not available
| R.31. | Consent Agenda | Approve Interlocal with the District Medical Examiner for Legal Services by the County Attorney’s Office and approve Waiver of Conflict. | | |
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Not available
| R.32. | Consent Agenda | Authorize Deputy County Manager, John Bohde to negotiate on behalf of Polk County and to recommend settlement to the Polk County Board of County Commissioners in cases involving WHS Visions of Lakeland, LLC or BS Ranch and Farm, Inc. including, but not limited to, Case No. 2023CA-6073. | | |
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Not available