Polk County Transportation Planning Organization
Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board (TD
Meeting Agenda
December 16, 2024 TPO TD LCB
Polk County Administration Building
330 W. Church Street
Bartow, FL 33830
Note to LCB Members: We must have FIVE voting members/alternates in the meeting
room in order to conduct this meeting.
Attending by Zoom:
Polk TD LCB Board Members and Alternates may attend this meeting by Zoom, if they wish.
They will be counted as “present,” and they can join in the discussion of agenda items.
However, according to Florida Laws on Public Meetings, members/alternates who attend this
way will not be counted towards the Quorum. However, they may still take part in the meeting,
and they may vote.
We start the Zoom 30 minutes before the actual meeting start time, to get all the equipment
running. When you enter the Zoom call, please type your name into the Chat Box.
To Join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 838 8137 2784
Passcode: 582180
Call to Order - 1:30 p.m. (Jeremy Clark, Chairman)
Confirmation of Quorum
Opportunity for Public Comment
Agenda Review - Ms. Julia B. Davis, AICP, Polk TPO
CTC Reports
Action Items