Polk County Planning Commission
Meeting Agenda
March 05, 2025 Regular Planning Meeting
Call Agenda Workshop to Order 8:50 a.m.
A. Planning Commission (PC) will discuss agenda items and consider additions,
deferments, withdrawals to published agenda. Planning Commission will discuss any
particular agenda items of concern with any Planning Commission member.
B. Planning Commission will consider and review with staff any upcoming ordinance
revisions, comprehensive plan recommendations or other matters of concern to the
Planning Commission.
Note: This first part of the monthly Planning Commission agenda is a workshop. No
official action on any item will be taken at the workshop. While the public is invited to
attend, no public comment will be solicited during the workshop.
Call Public Hearing to Order 9:00 a.m. Or as soon thereafter as the particular case may
be heard 9:00 a.m.
Roll Call / Attendance
Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Minutes
Reordering of the Agenda - Prior to beginning the Business of the Planning
Commission, the Commission may reorder the Agenda.
1) Reorder Agenda
a) At the discretion of the Planning Commission members, a lunch break may be
called if the hearing of cases goes beyond 12:00 p.m.
2) Considerations of items to be withdrawn, deferred, or continued.
LDCPAS-2024-29 (Rifle Range Road CPA) - CONTINUED TO APRIL 2, 2025.
Explanation of General Procedures
Explanation of Quasi-Judicial Proceedings
Voir Dire of Expert Witnesses