Barmby, Wiegers, Skelton, Byers, Adkins, Phillips, Ziskal,
Ranck, Barmby, Flagler, and Hart
Review/Approve Draft Goal, Objectives, Performance Measures and Indicators
for the Long-Range Transportation Plan Update - Envision 2050
Minutes: Marc Ispass, Consultant from Kimley-Horn, provided a draft of the 2050
Long-Range Transportation Plan (Envision 2050). During the presentation, it was
stated that they would be identifying extra funding, multi-modal transportation, safety,
mobility, quality of life, efficiency of transportation, maintenance of current
infrastructure while minimizing environmental impacts, and bringing these plans
together to become impactful actions. Chuck Barmby stated he did not find anything
within the plan that was relative to rail and transit, express bus service, or SunRail and
felt these are critical and needs to be included at this level. Marc Ispass stated this
was included in the “multi-modal” statement but could be better defined in the project.
Ryan Kordek stated that these will be incorporated and strengthened at this stage.
James Phillips stated that there is a lot of conversation about traffic and congestion,
and we need to allow for other services to shift towards to help relieve traffic.
Motion: Recommendation approval to the TPO Board and incorporate Chuck’s
statements was made by Chuck Barmby, seconded by Carlie Flagler. Motion carried
without dissent.
Barmby, Wiegers, Skelton, Byers, Adkins, Phillips, Ziskal,
Ranck, Barmby, Flagler, and Hart
Review/Approve the Use of TMA-SU Funds for State Infrastructure Bank (SIB)
Loan Reimbursement for State Road 33 Widening (FPN: 430185-4) from Old
Combee Road to Firstpark Boulevard
Minutes: Mr. Kordek provided an overview of FDOT’s request stating the TPO Priority
Project was included as part of FDOT’s Moving Florida Forward Initiative, and this
project was advanced to FY 2024 funded at $197M for and interchange reconstruction,
two wildlife crossings, and the widening of SR 33 to include a multi-use trail. FDOT will
be $19M over budget for this project but has obtained a State Infrastructure Bank (SIB)
loan to complete the widening of SR 33 and is requesting the TPO’s support to pay the
back by using State Funds and Federal TMA-SU Funding in the amount of $1M
(TMA-SU) per year for five years beginning in FY 2031. Chair Wieger asked if the
TMA-SU fund is used for specific or designated areas. Ryan Kordek stated that these
can be used in Urbanize Areas of Polk County. Chuck Barmby stated that this a
strategic planning area for the city of Lakeland. This would include 10 feet trails on
each side of the road and is part of the statewide trail system. A request will be
brought before the Lakeland City Commission for approval on October 21st and he
requested the motion include to include $1M a year payback for three years and also
include other sources of funding be explored including the Trail and Florida Wildlife
Corridor. Chair Wiegner restated the proposed motion include the original
recommendation of staff but to include the exploration of other source funding as